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Online & Recorded Classes

    Monday -           Flamenco Footwork Technique Class
                             Regular Class (BULERIAS)
    Wednesday -      Flamenco Footwork Technique  Class                                  Regular Class (BULERIAS)
    Tuesday -           
Bodywork Class Without Shoes

*Available spot for a new group in another schedule with a minimum of 5 students per class

Info about Recorded Classes

Recorded classes will be sent to you one day after the actual lesson

You will have 10 days to visualize it
(If you have any questions about classes you can contact me)

If you go on vacation you have the option of receiving the present classes recorded whenever is good for you,  like that you will not miss anything. 

The classes are via Zoom,  you will receive the ID Zoom when you make the registration 



Beginner Advance

Monday & Wednesday

10 am to 11am (New York Time)

Like I use to do with different exercises to incorporate in our body and mind the rhythm and feeling of those palos and how to dance them, on the other hand

I am going to create a choreography in which we will work all those aspects.





In this class we will focus on the footwork technique, the correct position and execution to not get hurt, as well as the strenth and precition on the feet,we will also work it with "braceo" (arms movements).



Beginner Advance:

Monday 11.00am to 12.00pm (NY time) 


Wednesday 11.00am to 12.00pm (NY time) 



In this class we work  the different parts of the body  individually  (head, hands, shoulders, arms, ribs, back and hips). It is focused in the corporal expression of each movement, on the connection with yourself  and the difference of dancing from the   joy, pain, gratitud… taking advantage of a choreography for this purpose


Every Tuesday 


Beginner Advance 1pm to 2 pm (NY time)

Int 2.05pm to 3.05pm (NY time)



                                                             PRICES & PACKAGES

Beginner Adv. Regular Classes/ Tangos

Single Class: $30

Month Class: $200


Flamenco Footwork Technique Class (FFT)       

Single Class: $30 

Beginner Adv. Month Class: $100 (4 classes)

Intermediate Month Class: $100 (4 classes)


Technical Bodywork Without Shoes 

Single Class: $35

Month Class: $150 (class $30)

*Month for students of General Classes Mon & Wed: $120


For Private Classes Contact Me


* Regular classes + Technical Bodywork : $320

* Regular classes + Technical Bodywork

  + FFT Beginner: $420

* Regular classes Technical Bodywork

  + FFT Intermediate: $420


You can combine those classes in the way you prefer

contact me at 


*You must add your corresponding Paypal fee*



How wonderful Auxi’s classes are.  I feel so fortunate to have found her online classes, and that there are recorded classes now.  Being an ocean apart and busy at work during class time is no longer a barrier to learning flamenco from such an excellent teacher.
I really love Auxi’s focus on soniquete exercises and the exercise of moving with hands and body to get at ease with bulerias. And TO FEEL the dance!
Her infectious, joyful energy makes you want to do your best every class.  To make progress and feel good while doing so – what a great combination.
I highly recommend class with Auxi. J!!

Lise Daoust

Auxi marries her teaching style to the spirit of flamenco - with passion and power.  You cannot help but get out of your own comfort zone, to explore new ways of feeling music in your soul while learning to dance flamenco. I am a new student of Flamenco with no dance background.  I make improvements with every class.  There is no doubt that Auxi is dedicated to her students.  It is a pleasure to learn from a world renowned artist.

Valerie Lynch

Auxi’s class is a precious jewel. I look forward to them every week. Auxi is a lovely vivacious woman with an encouraging and loving demeanor. She invites us to go deep inside of  ourselves to connect with the music, to be true to the dance. The technique classes include clear and sophisticated footwork exercises. She gives lots of encouragement and time to master them. For upper body technique she teaches us how to be sensual in our movements through different marcajes. Then we get to improvise! I always leave class feeling uplifted and joyful.... we work hard and have lots of fun! 

Elaine Shannon

Live online lessons with Auxi are fantastic and FUN!, and have been one of the saving graces during this time of Covid.

Auxi is a very talented dancer and a wonderful teacher. Her understanding of how to communicate her talent to a student’s level reflect her professionalism. In spite of being online, Auxi pays VERY close attention to what all her students are doing and gives very precise feedback to each of her students individually. She teaches both choreography and improvisation. Her method of teaching bolsters the student’s confidence and allows each student to bring their own voice and expression to the dance. I have greatly improved since taking online lessons with her. It almost feels like I am getting individual instruction!

She has a good command of the technology needed to conduct online classes and is able to strike a good balance between sound and video. Her online classes are live and she includes the whole online class in her lessons, so we have a nice sense of community (again, a very important and appreciated thing during the isolating time of Covid!)

Very importantly, her good humor, her enthusiasm and her communication skills make you forget that you are online and make you feel like she and the whole class are in the room with you - and you’re having fun while learning and improving you dance!

I SO HOPE that Auxi will keep offering her online classes even after Covid because Spain is across the ocean for me!

I HIGHLY recommend taking Auxi’s online classes - Olé!   

Brigitte Boeck-Chenevier

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