Auxi Fernández
Online & Recorded Classes
Monday - Flamenco Footwork Technique Class
Regular Class (BULERIAS)
Wednesday - Flamenco Footwork Technique Class Regular Class (BULERIAS)
Tuesday - Bodywork Class Without Shoes
*Available spot for a new group in another schedule with a minimum of 5 students per class
Info about Recorded Classes
Recorded classes will be sent to you one day after the actual lesson
You will have 10 days to visualize it
(If you have any questions about classes you can contact me)
If you go on vacation you have the option of receiving the present classes recorded whenever is good for you, like that you will not miss anything.
The classes are via Zoom, you will receive the ID Zoom when you make the registration
Beginner Advance
Monday & Wednesday
10 am to 11am (New York Time)
Like I use to do with different exercises to incorporate in our body and mind the rhythm and feeling of those palos and how to dance them, on the other hand
I am going to create a choreography in which we will work all those aspects.
In this class we will focus on the footwork technique, the correct position and execution to not get hurt, as well as the strenth and precition on the feet,we will also work it with "braceo" (arms movements).
Beginner Advance:
Monday 11.00am to 12.00pm (NY time)
Wednesday 11.00am to 12.00pm (NY time)
In this class we work the different parts of the body individually (head, hands, shoulders, arms, ribs, back and hips). It is focused in the corporal expression of each movement, on the connection with yourself and the difference of dancing from the joy, pain, gratitud… taking advantage of a choreography for this purpose
Every Tuesday
Beginner Advance 1pm to 2 pm (NY time)
Int 2.05pm to 3.05pm (NY time)
Beginner Adv. Regular Classes/ Tangos
Single Class: $30
Month Class: $200
Flamenco Footwork Technique Class (FFT)
Single Class: $30
Beginner Adv. Month Class: $100 (4 classes)
Intermediate Month Class: $100 (4 classes)
Technical Bodywork Without Shoes
Single Class: $35
Month Class: $150 (class $30)
*Month for students of General Classes Mon & Wed: $120
For Private Classes Contact Me
* Regular classes + Technical Bodywork : $320
* Regular classes + Technical Bodywork
+ FFT Beginner: $420
* Regular classes + Technical Bodywork
+ FFT Intermediate: $420
You can combine those classes in the way you prefer,
contact me at